Already have a Squarespace site, but need help with SEO? Building a new site on Squarespace and want to do it right? We can help you succeed on Google.
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“The guidance and education we’ve received from Marksmen Studio have been invaluable. Greatly increased traffic and lots of much improved pages throughout the site are gratifying, and their hands-on approach to content development very helpful. But their contributions have gone beyond SEO: Marksmen is an advisor, collaborator, and peer in developing Burwood’s content marketing strategy. We are proud of what we’ve achieved and see a lot of potential to expand from here.”
The Marksman
Marksmen Studio is the Brooklyn-based digital workshop of SEO and designer Mark Kuzmack. By really listening to his clients, he is able to offer a process that becomes a product. Working with them to clarify and elaborate their identity, he thoughtfully integrates SEO, content strategy and website design in each unique project. The result is compelling, effective representation of organizations that gets results.
About Squarespace SEO
Check out our page of Squarespace SEO Resources for tips and knowledgeable explorations of the quirks of doing SEO in Squarespace.
Squarespace does have some SEO problems, but how serious are they? A Squarespace SEO review with balanced conclusions.